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IT Management Consulting


MIO Management possess long and deep experience in advising large and small businesses on effective technology support of the business, both on traditional IT optimization, and on non-linear, agile IT. We consult on areas such as IT sourcing, effective and agile software development and maintenance, strategic use of IT, effective roll-out and use of SaaS and on premise solutions, Enterprise Architecture and Project and Program management.

Sample Engagement Models
Analysis and Optimization of Business IT

We will base the engagement on the current way of working in IT, and examine effectiveness and identify improvement areas. This will give a good foundation to define a realistic target for specific improvement activities with you. When we have defined and agreed on both the current situation and the target objectives, we can establish a plan, that can bring you the needed improvements and set the metrics for follow up, and we stay on to help execute the plan and the activities until the objectives have been obtained.

Enterprise Architecture
and IT Strategy

We understand that a well throught through business model, IT strategy, and a solid IT Architecture is the foundations for highly flexible and easily maintainable IT systems. By layering the IT architecture, using service orientation and a DevOps approach, the business can easily exploit new technologies, without sacrificing maintainability and sustainability of the solutions.


We will facilitate the IT strategy process, help assess, build or improve the IT arkitechture, execute a fit-gap analysis, and build the plan to execute the most business critical improvement of gaps.  At the same time we can help you establish a future development process that supports a service oriented architecture and is based on the agile principles in SCRUM and DevOps.

Business & IT Alignment

Business Innovation is very often tied into the new technology developments, and how they can be put to use in a differentiating way for the business. It is important that the business quckly can evaluate and utilize such technology developments. Because MIO Management have experience with both IT and business developemnt, we will  facilitate what technologies are available, and how the business quickly can bring them to good use.

Change Management

Any enterprise is under continuous change, but especially when major changes and disruptions occur in technology developments and new business models, the need for managing the change is imperative. When new systems are introduced, new work procedures are required, new partnerships established, and when outsourcing happens, the organisation will be challenged, and will often resist the change. This creates a need for a special effort to ensure progression and capture of the needed changes. MIO Management is very experienced with the organisational change management needed, especially in IT organisations. We assist by coaching the management, executing communication plans, stakeholder analysis, interim management for change, and possibly outsourcing.

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